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Face to Face - CAPI

In addition to traditional pen and paper based face to face interviewing, we can deliver Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) acro.  This is provided using tablet PC's with a touch pad and is ideal for all types of face to face surveys including:

  • In home 

  • In the street

  • In store

  • In the workplace            


The interviewer receives their questionnaire automatically by logging on to our server, using wireless technology, synchronising with the main server and receiving the survey questionnaire and their quotas (if applicable). 


Even the showcards are electronic and we can show respondents copies of TV or other advertising material.  As each day’s interviews are completed the interviewer simply logs on again to synchronise with the server and the results build up until the survey is complete. 


This technology can provide:

  • Immediate real time reporting

  • Full graphics capability

  • Quick turnaround

  • Ability to view TV ads, or  other creative media 

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